Nature Enthuisast


Nature and adventure in Watamu Kenya

July 2023
User Avatar Britney

Watamu Coast

Watamu Marine Park


Short beach is a beautifully preserved beach with white sand, interesting rock structures and preserved marine life.

Tips on Safety
Go in a group
Visit Before Dark
Great for Solo Travelers
Get a Local Guide
Safe for Walking

Additional Safety Information
We saw baby black-tip reef sharks here (not dangerous). It was such a beautiful spot to take our goggles and look at marine life.

Watamu Tree House



A tree house inspired accommodation where you can attend yoga with a great view.

Tips on Safety
Safe at Night
Great for Solo Travelers
Wifi Available

Additional Safety Information
It is a bit tricky to find as it is off the main road, down a sand road and between trees. Local transport (tuk-tuk) will know where to take you.

Lichthaus Restaurant



A vibey restaurant with nets that extend out over the water. You can experience a sunset view, ocean life beneath you and great food all at once.

Tips on Safety
Safe at Night
Go in a group
Safe Public Transport