Community Guidelines

The short of it, keep it real and keep it kind.
Welcome to Yentas! We believe that women should be able to move freely through the world. And as such, our aim is to create a community that supports personal travel dreams, so that women are free to be curious, knowing they are guided and supported.

The goals of our community are simple:
  1. Provide useful, verified and valuable information that will enrich a travelers journey
  2. Offer guidance, from personal lived experience, to other women so they feel confident to move through the world emboldened with insights
  3. Create a community of reciprocity and sharing that celebrates diverse opinions and supports the travel dreams of other women

Our guidelines exist to ensure Yentas is a safe and helpful space for inspiring, planning, documenting and reflecting on your travels. They apply to everyone and everything on our platform. To help us meet our goals and ensure every user has the best possible experience, please familiarize yourself with our community guidelines.

  1. Authenticity
    The goal of Yentas is to provide real, authentic recommendations that cut through the clutter of ineffective and inaccurate travel information. Keep your guidance real and personal. By joining our community you promise to:
    • Share recommendations, lists and places of interest that come from lived experience. We don't want a copy-paste list of trendy restaurants taken off Google, we want to know about the unassuming corner cafe tucked away behind a lemon tree that serves the best caprese you've ever eaten.
    • Provide accurate and truthful information about yourself and your experiences. Fake profiles, reviews and any other fraudulent activity will not be tolerated.
    • Share travel photos that you have taken, or have permission from the owner to share. Please include context with your photos, any recommendations with fraudulent intent or without valuable information will be removed.

  2. Reciprocity
    Reciprocity is important to us. The value you put in is the value you will receive in return. By joining our community you promise to:
    • Give and take. By using recommendations you are able to travel with more confidence, ease and enjoyment. Now wouldn't it be great to pass that forward? If you have any tips and tricks, share freely and you can help us build a genuinely valuable peer-to-peer platform.

  3. Add Value
    Travel is an investment in self. For most, it's a very important journey. We've worked tirelessly to support the journey's of others, but we can't do it alone. We are not creating another social media platform, but a peer-to-peer network that enriches the lives of strangers, yet to be friends. Our community thrives on valuable support. By joining our community you promise to:
    • Be thoughtful and considered in the information you choose to share. Please contribute in a meaningful way. Take a moment to consider, ‘if another woman came across this, will it help them?'.
    • Foster intentional engagement. Yentas is a place to give other women a head's up, your recommendations could genuinely keep a woman safe, help a mother find what she's looking for, or support a young girl on her first ever trip abroad. Let's all commit to adding value to this community, you're one of us now.

  4. Take Responsibility
    • The advice you give may be used by a real person in a real world context. So take care when posting so as not to put another user in a compromising position.
    • Any advice taken is entirely at your own risk. Please employ your own judgements and sensibilities when using recommendations from the Yentas platform. We are not liable for any discrepancies, false information, or unfavorable situations that may arise in the real world.
    • Above all, always follow the law. Illegal activity on our platform will not be tolerated and may lead to being banned, restricted or reported to the relevant authorities.
    • All members are expected to only post content that is appropriate and relevant to the platform's purpose.

  5. Respect
    We are proud to be building a global community of women that embraces diversity of culture, faith, attitudes and points of view. By joining our community you promise to:
    • Respect local context and tolerate all users regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristic.
    • Respect opposing views and opinions. It's ok to disagree, alternative points of view are actually an integral part of cultural exchange, as long as you keep your communication civil, respectful and polite.
    • Communicate with consideration, rooted in kindness and mutual respect.

Yentas does not tolerate the spreading of misinformation, spam, racism, sexism, discrimination of any means, personal attacks, illegal activities, trolling, sharing of explicit material, doxing, hurtful commentary, violence, hate-speech, harassment, propaganda, solicitation, scamming, bullying, impersonation and any other forms of negative behavior.

By using Yentas, you agree to these guidelines and our T&C's.

If you don't agree with the guidelines stated above, we won't take it personally, and nor should you when we suggest Yentas might not be for you. Overstepping these boundaries may result in deleted content, disabled accounts or other restrictions. Yentas reserves the right to moderate any content or user that violates these guidelines.

We ask that our community members notify us immediately if they come across any suspicious, immoral, illegal or hurtful behavior by sending an email to

Thank you for helping us keep Yentas a welcoming and trusted space for all!