Girls in Granada


Such a beautiful, quaint town in Spain.

July 2023
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Alhambra Palace



This palace is exquisite. It was a mosque which was taken over by the catholic king. Unbelievable architecture. Spent hours here.

Tips on Safety
Advanced Booking Advised
LGBTQIA+ Friendly
Visit Before Dark
Great for Solo Travelers
Kids Friendly
Safe for Solo Missions

Additional Safety Information
Make sure you book ahead. Expect to walk up a big hill to get there. If you go in summer, wear comfy shoes and wear sunscreen - you could queue in the sun for a while.

Free Walking Tour



Best way to learn the history (so much history!) and see the whole town.

Tips on Safety
BIPOC Friendly
LGBTQIA+ Friendly
Visit Before Dark
Great for Solo Travelers
Have Cash on Hand
Get a Local Guide

Additional Safety Information
Doing a free walking tour in any city is a great way to learn everything you could in +-2 hours (wear comfy shoes). Take cash as most tour guides expect a cash tip of your choosing.

Flamenco Show

Albaicín Quarter


Your time in Spain wouldn't be complete without an authentic flamenco show.

Tips on Safety
Advanced Booking Advised
BIPOC Friendly
LGBTQIA+ Friendly
Safe at Night
Have Cash on Hand
Get a Local Guide
Poor Signal

Additional Safety Information
The shows are at night, and usually performed in a cave which meant no signal, but I did not for a second feel unsafe in this little town. Book through 'free walking tour' for the best rates and to ensure the authenticity. There are a lot of replicas, but you want to go to the authentic show.