Beginner's Guide to Bedfordview


A beginner's guide to the Joburg suburb, Bedfordview.

January 2024
User Avatar Liza
Inquisitive Yenta

Eckards Garden Pavilion



No better way to start the day than with a stroll through a lush green nursery picking up some new plant babies.

Tips on Safety
Safe for Walking
Kids Friendly

Settebello at the Italian Club

Marais Road


This super Italian eatery offers a great setting and vibey atmosphere for a Friday night. Don't forget to pop into Rocco next door for heaps of imported Italian foods.

Tips on Safety
Safe at Night
Kids Friendly


Van Buuren Road


My favourite sushi bar in the city, since 2018. Their teppenyaki is just as good but make sure to book because they get super busy!

Tips on Safety
Advanced Booking Advised
Safe at Night

The Bedfordview Night Market

Van Buuren Road


Food trucks, live entertainment, craft beers, and cocktails. This community market has it all. Dates for their upcoming markets are all on their website.

Tips on Safety
Safe for Walking
Kids Friendly