Chefs Table

Cape Town

My list of restaurants the are owned and run by chefs.

October 2023
User Avatar Penny
Care-free Yenta

My Favourites

Cape Town


  • Chefs Warehouses - Liam Tomlin
  • Salsify - Ryan Cole
  • Fyn - Peter Tempelhoff
  • Table Seven in Salt River - Chef Luke Wonnacott
  • Scarpetta in Woodstock - Ricky Turilli
  • Potluck club - Luke Dale Roberts
  • Boma on Bree - Vusi Ndlovu
  • Fledglings Test Kitchen - Luke Dale Roberts
  • EmaZulwini at Makers landing - Mmathabo Molefe

Tips on Safety
Advanced Booking Advised
BIPOC Friendly
LGBTQIA+ Friendly
Safe at Night
Uber/Taxi's Available
Great for Solo Travelers
Safe for Solo Missions

Additional Safety Information
These restaurants are typically small with seasonally inspired menus.