Cape Town Favourites

Cape Town

Top foodie and travel spots in and around Cape Town.

July 2023
User Avatar Liese
Authentic Yenta

Lunch @ The General Store

Bree Street


A whole in the wall. Blink and you'll miss it. Best believe they have a glorious harvest table type spread every day but get there early before it's all gone.

Tips on Safety
BIPOC Friendly
Go by Car
LGBTQIA+ Friendly
Uber/Taxi's Available
Great for Solo Travelers
Account for Traffic
Wheelchair Accessible
Safe for Solo Missions

Pajamas and Jam

Somerset West


The best breakfast/brunch spot! It is a 45minute drive out of Cape Town but well worth it.

Tips on Safety
BIPOC Friendly
Go by Car
LGBTQIA+ Friendly
Great for Solo Travelers
Wifi Available
Kids Friendly
Wheelchair Accessible
Safe for Solo Missions

The Alphen Trail



A superb greenbelt. Grab a morning coffee from Chardonnay Deli and take a walk through the lush greens and jurassic trees, with a mountain view might I add. Always has the cutest dogs. Great for a morning or weekend stroll.

Tips on Safety
BIPOC Friendly
LGBTQIA+ Friendly
Uber/Taxi's Available
Go in a group
Visit Before Dark
Safe for Walking
Kids Friendly
Pay Attention to Surroundings