Family Travel


Relaxing family travel with young travel under 12 years old.

July 2023
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Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Paris


Many fun and exhilarating rides. This place is fun for the whole family.

Tips on Safety
Safe at Night
Safe for Walking
Wifi Available
Kids Friendly
Wheelchair Accessible
Safe for Solo Missions

Additional Safety Information
Be prepared to wait for a long time (up to 90 minutes) for a ride. Be patient and dress comfortably.

Nusa Dua - Bali

Nusa Dua


A fun-filled family holiday in Bali. Make sure to book a cultural tour and visit various parts of the island.

Tips on Safety
Advanced Booking Advised
Safe for Walking
Wifi Available
Kids Friendly

Additional Safety Information
It is very hot, so take comfortable clothes and walking shoes suitable for hot weather. Pack beach wear and lots of sunblock!

Camping for Novice Campers

Oewerzicht Farm, Greyton


Camping weekend made easy. Clean ablutions, electrical points, safety and serenity close to town.

Tips on Safety
Go by Car
Go in a group
Have Cash on Hand
Safe for Walking
Kids Friendly

Additional Safety Information
Visit the local town of Greyton, which has quaint shops and restaurants. On Saturdays they have a market.