Best of India


Be prepared to be overwhelmed - a sensory explosion. Not always pleasant, but that's where the beauty lies. True richness.

July 2023
User Avatar Angelique


Varanasi, Ganges


The holiest place in India that holds a lot. Every ally is riddled with depth, a story, chaos, more chaos and so much beauty. Do a boat tour and eat a buffalo lassi.

Tips on Safety
Great for Solo Travelers
Have Cash on Hand
Dress Modestly for Culture
Get a Local Guide
Safe for Walking
Safe for Solo Missions
Pay Attention to Surroundings

Additional Safety Information
Be savvy - scamming is real. But so is authenticity. So use your intuition. Don't take pictures of the burning dead - be respectful of the culture. Be open in heart, kind and humble.




The golden city of India - a little less travelled. Rich, ancient and Arabic influence.

Tips on Safety
Great for Solo Travelers
Don't Carry Valuables
Have Cash on Hand
Dress Modestly for Culture
Wifi Available
Safe for Solo Missions
Pay Attention to Surroundings

Additional Safety Information
Make sure you do an overnight camel desert trip, admire the architecture, watch a sunrise and respect the culture. Have a bong lassi, but with people you trust (start at a lower dose, you can always top up!).

Catch an Indian Train

Everywhere in India


The most authentic experience possible. I once did a 36 hour train ride and it was incredible.

Tips on Safety
Safe at Night
Go in a group
Great for Solo Travelers
Don't Carry Valuables
Dress Modestly for Culture
Language Barrier - Learn Key Phrases
Poor Signal

Additional Safety Information
Lock your sh*t (read valuables) up. Bring food to share and a good book. In second class, be prepared to share. Most of all, watch the exquisite life roll by. Relax, breath, live.